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Kaohsiung Women's Prison ,Agency of Corrections , Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


Security Section

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2023-01-19
  • View count:1043

[Security Section]  [Rehabilitation and Education]  [General Affairs]  [Operation Section] 
[Investigation and Classification]  [Health And Hygiene Section]  [Drug Abstention and Treatment]    

  Our philosophy is based on humanity, combining management with acceptance, care, communication, and exhortation; to temper justice with mercy and recognizing the importance of example over direct instruction. We are aware that inmates’ grievance procedures are necessary to balance the rights of inmates and protect the community. It helps reduce judicial intervention in the administration of a prison, reduces costly litigation and also provides valuable feedback and review of institutional policies and procedures. Grievance resolution occurs at the lowest staff level as possible as they are closest to the problem. Emphasis is placed on a framework that defines the rights of the offenders subject to correction and controlling while remaining consistent with concepts of fundamental legal rights, sound correctional practices, and humane treatment of offenders. Moreover, in accordance with its all-women character, some essential services are included to meet certain unique requests and demands, such as forming a charity social service team, taking care of special inmates, processing parent-child phone interviews, setting up a baby-sitter room, and taking care of inmates' children under the age of three. Some interview regulations are varied to accommodate special inmates like those who are pregnant and/or those whose families live a considerable distance away. However, we make our best efforts to maintain a peaceful situation, without indolence, by implementing all necessary and vital security measures. By attempting to make the institution more humane and by providing a wide range of programs, we hope, within the limits of available resources, to encourage as many offenders as possible to make the decision to become law-abiding citizens after release.  

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