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Kaohsiung Women's Prison ,Agency of Corrections , Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


Rehabilitation and Education

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2023-01-19
  • View count:981

[Security Section]  [Rehabilitation and Education]  [General Affairs]  [Operation Section] 
[Investigation and Classification]  [Health And Hygiene Section]  [Drug Abstention and Treatment]    

  The purpose of this department is to provide rehabilitation education and auxiliary recreation activities. With philanthropic and attentive attitudes, our staff seeks to understand individual inmate's claims and needs in order to provide applicable consultation and assistance. Inmate frustration and physical violence are reduced through opportunities to air grievances and the recognition that re-habilitation cannot be achieved if prisoners perceive themselves to be treated unfairly. Because our inmates are all women, particular emphasis is placed on courses related to the fields of parent-child relationship and care, sex equality, law and order, and environmental protection. These courses reinforce the development of self-esteem and independence and invigorate the personality through rational knowledge. 

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